News Archive

June 25th /24 

  It has been 17 years since Stettlers gun club threw a registered target. The Rob Docherty memorial was a success. Congratulations to their organizer and volunteers. The attendance was great they had 36 shooters in total. We shot in some wind but for the most part it was great weather.  A big congratulations goes out to Rod Hymas for reaching the 27 yard line, his 86 on Sunday was tied with Jesse Smith. Rod won the shoot off in convincing fashion 24 to 21. Rod maybe the first Alberta shooter to reach the 27 as a C singles shooter. Jason Weaver had the 100 straight on first day singles to win. 2nd day singles had a three way tie with 98's. Lynn Smith, Art Peyton, and Jason Weaver had a 2 round shoot off that Art won. It was good for a laugh when Art  explained that he couldn't let the 2 Guerinis beat the Kolar. Art also won doubles with a 95 on day one and Jesse Smith won them on day two with a 94. First day handicap was won by Shawn Mcneil with 93 that bumped him back to the 27 again. HOA was Jesse Smith 548/600.   


June 19th /24

  Long time Calgary gun club member Wayne Lehman passed away on May 24. He will be remembered as really gentlemen who registered over 150000 targets. Our condolence go to the family.


June 18th/24

 Good news for Alberta provincial shooter. The 4 of Lorne Hooper has decided to sponsor the Lorne Hooper handicap event.  The top six scores will receive 400 dollars each. The APTA would like to thank the Hooper family for the generous donation

June 17th/24

 Castor shoot review   Weather was cold and windy. 16 people in total braved the conditions with Darin Schuller coming away with 4 of 5 event winning belt buckles, this lead to a decisive hoa victory. His only event loss was to Ed Wald who won the Saturday singles. 

June 9 th/24

   Athabasca summary. Weather was cold and damp for most of the weekend and it probably hurt attendance. 15 people was the highest attended event and that was the final handicap. Robyn Bourassa had the high score in that event with a 94 and got a half yard. Roland kee won the other cap with a 92. Gerry Gau had the high score of the weekend on the second day singles with a 99. Garry Tebbs won the other single with a 98. Rodney Smith won both doubles with an 89 and 92. Darin Schuller won B doubles with an 87 and was very grateful for his 50 cash prize. (Cash is king) was his comment.  Congratulations to Garry Tebb he was HOA with a 551


June 3rd /24

   Great turn out in Calgary this weekend, 37 shooters is the most shooters so far this calendar year. The summer weather and not much wind helped the scores.  Art Peyton, Larry Ivany, and Bob Gruszecki all had 99s for highs in the singles. 99 and 96 in the doubles was shot by Jesse Smith  to win both days. James Maclean had a 95 in day one cap to move him back to the 23. A three way tie with 95s got Graham Shell, Harvey Mann and Shane Vaunghan all half a yard. The HOA was Jesse Smith with a 572 tying him with Dave Jeffery for the high 6oo score this year.  A special congratulation to relatively new shooter Graham Shell of Edmonton who got his first 50 straight and a half yard. Next shoot Athabasca     


May 17/24

   Congratulations going out to Kevin Hammel of Grande Prairie. Yesterday in the BC provincials in Vernon he shot his first Hundred straight in doubles. 

May 13th/24

 It took me a day of rest before i could write about the Dvine Shoot. It gets hectic with all the fun and games. The scores were good, in fact really good. Tanasity Smith 98 in the cap, Jesse Smith 97 in Doubles and 98 by Dave Jefferies won the singles both days.  Dave Jefferies of kamloops had an Hoa score of 572. It may end up being the highest 600 score this year in Alberta. Last year's high for a 600 bird event was 573 by Brad Johnson.  But the great scores are not really as important as the time we had and where the people came from to have fun...  The pickrel and the steak were outstanding and the homemade pies and fries had people going back for seconds.  When you get compliments like "this has been the best shoot i have ever attended   i guess i looked at him like he wasnt serious he said  iam not kidding, i have went to a lot of shoots" That same gentlemen had said 8 years ago he would never shoot an ATA event again. His compliment makes you happy because thats a compliment to your community, your friends, your volunteers, your facility, your family and the people who come to compete. That combination of things is what makes an event special. Treat others the way you wish to be treated and life is generally good.  It goes along way in keeping people happy.  29 people from Saskatchewan Alberta and BC attended the 3 day event. 6 were first time ATA shooters 5 of them have many registered PITA targets. One of the new shooters it was a first time for any kind of  targets and that was Randy Gilchrist from Calgary. We welcome him to the APTA.  Dvine wants to thank everyone from across the western prairies for coming to support Alberta trap shooting and having fun with us.

May 7th/24 

 Sorry for the slow update but we have been seeding. The first shoot of the year in Calgary saw some cool weather and a little winter rust on the shooters. Lorne Umschied last years most Alberta targets winner won the HOA with a 519 and gained a half yard to put him on the 26. Thats a good way to start the season Lorne Congrats. 27 shooters were out for the singles on Saturday with Bob Gruszecki getting the win with a 97. Bob was also tied with lorne Umschied for high in the Saturday handicap with scores of 89. 89 was also the high in doubles by James Maclean. Sunday doubles was won by Rod Hymus with a 92. His 92 was the high by six birds. Colin Crumb had 96 in singles and Gill Navkaran had 93 in the cap to take the Sunday events.  Jesse Gorluik and Johnash Toor both shot there first ATA targets and the APTA welcomes them to the sport. Next weekends shoot is the DVine.

March 31 /24

  Hello fellow trap shooters. I just spent some time updating the web page and thought i would pass  on some of the highlights. Alberta has two shooter with a life time target count of over 600000 targets. Art Peyton and Trevor Dawe. Ron Mcconnell will get there some time this summer, he currently sits at around 597000. You have to truly love this sport to shoot that much. i dont know if i could shoot that much even if i had all the money in the world. Congratulations guys it is truly is a remarkable feet.  I entered Brad Johnsons 2023 season in the record books his combined average 96.51 put him fifth all time in Alberta. Only one other man has had a higher season Neil Burbidge, he just happens to have four of them. Brads 95 average in the cap put him 4th all time and again only Neil has ever been higher with 3 seasons over 95.

    A little reminder the APTA Leauge will again be running this year starting in may and hopefully we can get some more teams and more new shooters out enjoying our great sport.

Dec 11th/23

  The CTA (Canadian Trapshooting Association) All Stars have been announced and if you're wondering why some top Canadian shooters are not on the team it is because they did not meet the criteria. I personally really like the rules for the CTA All Stars.  The rules help ensure that CTA All Stars, shoot Canadian Targets and support Canadian trapshooting. The Criteria is simple, your aggregate average with a minimum of 1000 targets in each discipline that have to be shot in Canada. You also have to participate in either the Canadians or your own provincial championship targets. Your CTA All Stars are Team Captain  Brad Johnson AB  96.51, Shawn Mcneil AB 94.93, Bob Gruszecki AB 93.89, Tom Foss AB 93.76, Barry Johnston AB 93.62, Jesse Smith AB 93.10, Randy Hunt SK 92.64, Garry Hill AB 92.47, Sylvain Rossignos QU 92.33, and rare tie for the tenth spot  Rylan Bower MB 92.3, and Alick Mcmillan SK 92.3.   Lisa Salt BC  90.40, was the top female and Connor Bish AB was top Junior 89.87. Target numbers for juniors are 500 of each and the age is 18 and under. It should be noted that of these open All stars only Randy Hunt, Sylvain Rossignos, Tom Foss and Shawn Mcneil shot all their targets in Canada. I couldnt find anyone whos Canadian target averages were higher than there US target average so a tip of the hat goes to these gentlemen.

    The APTA is really Happy that we have a new club for the up coming tournament year. Stettler will be hosting its first Rob Docherty Memorial shoot on June 22 and 23. Hopefully we all can get out and support their shoot. 

  A big Congratulations to Garry Hill for being Elected into the Alberta Trapshooting Hall of fame this year. 

Oct 28th/23

 I have all the all stars from 1983 to 2022 loaded on the all star page. We have Jim Thompson to thank for saving this piece of  Alberta trap shooting history. I find it fascinating to sift through this kind of stuff. I want to know Who had the most appearances? Who had the longest continuous streak? Who was the captain the most times? What lady held the highest composite average? Try and guess who they are.   It is all there, one thing it doesnt tell you is why the 80s and 90s they had some of the best numbers ever.  They were button pressed targets, no pat traps and they were not all hunting to eat so why?  That will have to be a different debate, lets go with what we know.  Joanne Wing in 1995 on 2900 targets had the highest ladies composite average ever 92.69. the top 3 most appearances were Allan Radway 33 time and 31 in a row from 1988 to 2018. I have been married along time, but not that long,  that is truly impressive. Neil Burbidge is second with 24 and a record 20 times as captain. The next most captained years is Larry Ivany with 5.   Rounding out the top 3 is Ron Mcconnell with 23 and a record 38 years between his first in 1985 and his latest appearance in 2022.  I dont know if any of these records will ever be beat. To think Barry Johnson is the youngest shooter on the all star team at 39 years old and soon to be 40 he has made the team twice. He has has to shoot 31 more years in a row at all star level to tie Radway. It is mind boggling to think about


Oct 19th/23

Oct 16th/23

 Long time trap shooter from Lloydminister, Brian Sheppard (Shep) passed away today. Brain was a former Canadian and provincial champion in our sport.  I remember him as someone who enjoyed visiting with trap shooters and talking about the sport. He was very observant of how people shot and seemed very willing to pass on knowledge when asked.  I enjoyed visiting with him and he will be missed.  


Sept 17/23

Long time trap shooter Don Hirt from Olds Alberta passed away Sept 15th. He will be missed by the trap shooting community.

Sept 5th/ 2023

     All the scores are posted from 2023 shooting year. If you want to check and see how things went it is now written and recorded. I am going to give you a top 11 list of my favorite accomplishments from this year. Why 11? just to be different, and because I didn't want to leave some of these out and remember these are just my own biased picks. They are things that stood out to me and some are going in the Alberta record books and some are not but they were heart warming, great, personal accomplishments. 11 Cam Schole and Mike Degiano both shooting there first 100 straight. They have both  shot for a long time to get this milestone and I admire that kind of perseverance. 10 Lynn Smith winning the ladies Canadian singles Championship for her second such title.  9 Darin Schuller getting his name put on that 70 plus year old historic Rose Bowl trophy with a 387 and shooting way above his average. 8  Barry Johnston making it to the 27 yard line in 4100 targets. 7 Alberta winning the Canada Cap in Brandon Manitoba.  Brad Johnson shooting a 99 to tie the juggernaut (Pat Lamont} and giving us a chance to win. The other members of the team were (Barry Johnston 97 Ron McConnell 96 Julia Marthaller 96 and Lorne Umschied 95)  the odds were not in our favor but we won. 6 Brad Johnson winning the HAA in the western zone with over 450 competitors. 5  Provincials having 3 shooters over the 970 mark, and Shawn McNeil coming over to congratulate Brad it must have been heart breaking to shoot that well and not win. It was classy. 4 Our juniors Julia Marthaller and Connor Bish putting up 197s, at the Canadians, those scores are among the highest ever to win their respective categories. 3 Shawn McNeil and Jacob Johnson singles seasons average scores. Jacob posted a 99.27 to be the highest ever by an Albertan. Shawn had a 99.13  tying the old high set by Neil Burbidge that record has stood since 1995. 2    i have a real hard time with deciding between the last two.  Larry Ivany winning the SR Vet  Clay target championship at the grand. He is the only person to beat Pat Lamont as the top Canadian at the grand in this event since Pat started going lol  Or do you pick Brad Johnson finally shooting enough targets to be recognized as AAA 27 AAA. This is a whole season of excellence only accomplished by 7 other Canadians. 2 of them being Albertans, Bob Gruszecke and Neil Burbidge. Its to hard to dream about which one a shooter would pic, so maybe we call them co winners and jobs well done.    

Aug 28th /2023

      2023 shooting season is in the books.  The last shoot was completed in Wainwright this weekend and you have to tip your hat to that club they know how to host a shoot and make you feel welcome and wanted, as they say ''the proof is in the pudding'' 40 people attended.,  The prizes were outstanding, the free food was great and Roger Goulet and his volunteers kept the target coming. I have never seen an 84 year old, work that hard,  or that long it was truly inspirational.  It is the extra events that i think keeps people coming. The costume dress up Annie Oakley had a bunch of great outfits and had people laughing. Mckenzie Brumwell took home 380$ from that event. The crib tournament was won by two trash talking ladies who i guess could back it up Jackie Hymus and Sandra Johnson. It was all great fun. 

 On the shooting side Jacob Johnson dominated.  He shot 198 in singles and ran away with the HOA prize of a beautifully hand knitted quilt opps i mean quilted quilt made by Heather Brumwell. Heather is a major sponsor of the shoot and all us shooters want to say thanks we appreciate what you do.   572/600 was Jacobs score almost topping his Dads 573 which was the high score for small tournaments this year. Lorne Umscheid won one of the handicaps firing a 95 but couldnt hit Mike Degiano 100 straight hat 20ft infront of him on the ground. lol  It was the squads 2nd attempt lol  Congrats to Mike on his first 100.

   While sitting around visiting it was discussed that Stetter may run a registered shoot next year. Hopefully it gets done.

Aug 21st 23

  The Rose Bowl was well Attended with 39 shooters participating. The weekend highlights for me were Darin Schuller shooting 387 and  getting his name on that old historic Rosebowl trophy and 3 shooters getting there first 100s. Darin and Navkaran Gill both had there first 100s in singles and to watch the excitement of Navkaran supporters was refreshing as they could not contain there cheers when he won the shoot off. Derek Clayton got his first 100 straight in the Sunday Handicap he already has had a 100 in singles but this was his first in the cap. Inderman Jadusingh and lorne Unscheid both had a 96 in the same cap, Inderman won the shoot off 22 to 19. The 70 plus year old tradition of the Diamond slider was won by Lorne Umsheid with a 74/75 


Aug 20th /23

   I can now say i have been to the Grand. Lynn Smith first singles was a 100 straight and not good enough to win a prize but she did receive a hundred straight pin and a thanks for playing. Targets are 47 dollars US and it is hot even when its cloudy. Getting to see Garry Hill shoot 497 out the first five hundred singles and win the SR vet 500 race was one of the highlights.  Larry Ivany was the SR Vet clay targets champion after shooting 200 Straight he won the shoot off in two rounds 24 25 was another. The biggest highlight for lynn and i was the Hall of Fame Ceremony where Pat Lamont and Rod Boll were inducted. They were the 3rd and fourth Canadians to do so.    Just being in the same room as Phil Kihner, Ray Stafford, Shawn Hawley, Harlin Campbell, Dale Stockdale and many more was a true highlight for a fan of this sport. An old hockey buddy asked me if you compared it to hockey who would be there.  I was so pumped i answered Grestky, Howe, Messier, Orr, Robinson and Tretiak in net lol   

July 24th /23

  Why do i practice?  Apparently it is not the criteria for shooting a perfect 400/400 in the provincial championships.  Jake Johnson had a great weekend at Provincials not only was he perfect in the singles but won the HAA with a 391. This is his first competition of the year. His Old Dad (Brad Johnson) did okay to, taking what i consider to be the biggest trophy home, (the HOA) with a 975. Only Neil Burbidge has shot two higher HOA score to win Provincials,  a 979 and 976. Brad is having an exceptional year he just needs to bring up his singles a half a point in the next 5 weeks to receive the AAA27AAA pin.  Jake Levin 2021, Pat Lamont 2015, Bob Gruszecki 2007, Drew Shaw 2007, Frank Bonaiuto 2004, Neil Burbidge 2000, and Paul Shaw are the only Canadains that I am aware of to have achieved this great trap shooting feat. Good luck Brad. Enough with the history lessons back to provincials. Shawn McNeil was close in every event and won Doubles on a windy day with a 96. Rod Hymus took the cap with 97 and has to take one step back. Cam Schole got his first 100 straight shooting paper federals he won at a shoot and made it, to 163 before dropping one. Shane Vaughan also had a 100 in Friday singles. Brad Johnson recorded his 3rd 100 Straight in Fridays Doubles. Connor Bish won JR singles with a 196 just one off his Canadians singles title score of 197.  Jessica Marthaller had the high female score with a 195.  Numbers were up from last year with 83 attending the singles. Some encouraging news from visiting with ken Reed, Stettler is hoping to have a registered shoot next year.   Next shoot up is in High Prairie Starting on Friday try and get out and support these smaller clubs or they will disappear.

July 17th /23

 Holy man did Alberta do well at this weekends western Zone shoot. Brad Johnson won the doubles championship and HAA championship. A perfect 100 in the doubles and an impressive 394 in the HAA which took a shoot off to win. Shawn Mcneil won sub vet HAA with 393 and singles sub vet with a perfect 200, he was an impressive 399/400 for the 4 days of singles. He also won sub vet handicap with a 98.  Larry Ivany won sr vet singles with a 199 and Bish Connor won jr with a 197.  Sixth place in the handicap championship was Bob Gruszecki with 97 and Julia Marthaller had a 97 in sub jr.  These wins are really impressive when you think that most events had over 400 competitors. Good job guys and girls

July 10th /23

   The Edmonton city Championship had a good turn out Saturday singles had 33 shooters. Jason Weaver won both days singles with 99s. Rodney Smith won doubles day one with a 94 and Bob Gruszecki day two with a 97. Handicap day one winner was Roslyn Hill with a 94, Cam Schole finished 2nd with his 94.  Day two handicap winner was Roland kee with a 93.  The Hoa was won by one bird. Dave Shiers 539, beat out Jason Weaver the last event settled it all with Jason having a 1 bird lead going in but Dave made up the difference.

May 29 

It was another big win for Barry Johnston in Medicine Hat. He won the HOA with 570 and got his bump to the 27 yard wall in less than 4100 handicap targets. Neil Burbidge got to the 27 in 3700 targets that some very elite company Barry joined, great shooting Barry. Saturday single saw two 100s Barry and Jack Toes, Bwas won by Darrel Auston 91 and c was tied with 90 by Larry Carbol and Jack Stewart. Handicap was Jim Thomson with a 92 and double honors went to Barry with a 94. Sundays doubles high scores were Barry and tom Hulit with 95s. Singles was Jack Toes and Tom Hulit with 98s and Barrys bump to the 27 was a 96. 24 shooters

May 24

Edmonton had a great turn out for the Memorial shoot. 30 people turned out and some good scores were shot. Darin Schuller, Barry johnston, and Tom Foss, all had 99s in singles Tom Foss also had 96 in doubles to win first day and Art Peyton and Berry Johnston both had 94s on day two doubles. Handicap saw new shooter Keagan Gresty win day 1 with a 96 and place 2nd day two with a 93. Barry Johnston took top cap honors day 2 with 94 and his 2nd straight HOA title with a very impressive 570 averaging 95 across the board. Great shooting Berry.

Our Records and Provincial Champions sections have been completed.

Feb 27/2023

The Canadian Trap Shooting Association (CTA) recently had a meeting. The item of interest were the 2024 Canadians will be held in Vancouver. They will be shot as a pita event. It will be the 100 year anniversary of their club.  The other item of interest was the requirements for the CTA allstars.  It was decided that in order to be eligible, you must shoot either your provincial championship targets or the Canadians championship targets all 400. You must also shoot 1000 of each discipline in Canada 3000 in total. Juniors and ladies still need to attend either major championship but only need to shoot 500 of each in Canada.  CTA All Stars will receive Hats with embroidery to commemorate their accomplishment thanks to sponsorship from Perazzi Canada and Perazzi Alberta

Jan 30th/2023

Hello fellow shooters. The Wainwright trap club is wondering if anyone is interested in attending a Ricky Marshall Jr trap shooting clinic. The two day clinic will be 400 USA per person. Targets will be 6$ per 25 and bring your own ammo. 10 people per class.  If interested and for more details contact Brad Johnson at 780 209 3251 

Jan 22th/2023

  Today an Alberta trap shooting legend passed away.  He was know as won on the best singles shooter this province has ever had and was recently inducted into the Alberta Trap shooting hall of fame. Rob (Doc) Docherty will be missed by the trap shooting community and our thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.       

Dec 11th/22

    It is cold up north and i am bored.   A few weeks ago i was asked who has the most Alberta singles championships? Its cold enough now to look it up.      Two gentlemen from long ago each had five. The record of our singles champion has been kept since 1920 with a 12 year period from 1938 to 1949 missing. This missing history is really unfortunate because Walt Muirhead was one those gentlemen from long ago that won five times. He won in 1931, 1934, 1936, 1937, and !938 and then the records stop. Who knows how many he did win or would have won had it been recorded. 

   W.G. Peterson is the other gentleman with 5 recorded Championships. His first was 1958, the others were 1959, 1976,1982, and the last in 1984. His span of 26 years between wins fascinated me. To be able to stay that good for that long and maintain a desire to win,  it is truly impressive. I continued to look for who had next most wins, imagine how impressed i was with 31 years between wins by Ron McConnell who has 4 titles 1990, 1994, 2001 and 2021.  3 others have four wins. Walter Schultz 1964,1966,1967 and 1970. Allan Day 1989, 1991, 2006, and 2011. Brad Johnson 2014, 2017, 2018, and 2019.  Brad,Ron, and Allan still all shoot so the record of 5 may fall some day but it wont be for a couple of years.

   We have 20, 200 straights recorded next to singles champions names, the first, was recorded by Doug Leong in 1981. 49 years of kept records, for the provincial champion to achieve perfection. The 6 great shooters mentioned above have won 26 titles in total out of 91 years recorded. They have a combined 5 two hundred straights for wins it made me wonder how many they have lost in shoot offs with perfect scores, they are the best of the best after all.  Our sport is ruthless, we do not record second place, even if it was perfect. 


Nov 26th

   I like to send out congratulations to these Alberta shooters who made the All Canadian team. In order to make this team you have to shoot a minimum of 1000 targets in each discipline and you must attend your own provinces provincials. The rules have been modified for the upcoming year in that you now have to shoot all of your own provincial championship targets (400) The previous rule you just had to attend one event. That same meeting had a hotly debated issue in that attending just the Canadians did not make you eligible for team Canada you had to attend your provincials. The vote was 4 to 3.  Alberta BC and Quebec voted that Attending the Canadians alone should make you eligible.

    Team Canada's Captain for the second year in a row is Brad Johnson 95.26 no 2 ranked Art Peyton 95.05 no 4 ranked Shawn Mcneil 94.74 no 7 ranked Tom Foss 93.38 no 10 ranked Garry Hill 92.89. Five of the top ten from Alberta hoowaa 

     The fall grand had some good results from Alberta shooters.  Art Peyton won the pre grand singles with the lone 200 straight. Brad Johnsons 98 in the championship handicap was good enough for third after beating Scott Obenchain in a shoot off 24 / 23.  Scott is one of the top Shooters in all of the USA.  Rod Hymus had one of his best doubles scores with a 95 and shot above his average all week long. Our top three Albertan's in the HOA finished 11th Brad Johnson 1060/1100 18th Art Peyton 1053/1100 and 36th Jesse Smith 1040/1100.


Oct 11th

Our 2022 all stars have been named congratulations to Barry Johnston and Tom Foss for making the team. Toms average was high enough to make the All Canadian team and the first team of Alberta. He will be getting a custom belt buckle to acknowledge his great year.  Our Alberta clubs should take a bow we managed to throw the 2nd most ATA targets of any province. Ontario threw the most 448275 and we had 349800.  We did well for a province of 4 million.  The most Alberta targets, 10550 were shot by Darin Schuller. Thank you Darin for supporting Alberta trap shooting a Shamrock leather bag is headed your way.


Sept 6th

  Very good attendance to start the target year off at the Edmonton gun club this weekend.  31 one shooters participated in the singles with Ken Kupsch shooting a perfect 100 to win. There was a squad of all ladies that was nice to see with katherine Deypalubos leading the squad and taking the ladies top honours with an 87. The APTA would like to thank Dayna Hackett for getting her freinds Kathrine Deypalubus,Priscilla Eisner,Susan Wilton, and Roslyn Hill out to join APTA  and become first time ATA members. We look forward to all of you putting up some more great scores.  Handicap had 22 people with Jerry Gau taking top honours with a 95. Art peyton and Garry Tebb both had 94s in the doubles.Day 2 doubles saw Art post a very impressive 97 in doubles and 100 in singles. Kathrine took the ladies again with an 82 and Jerry Gau Won the handicap again with a 95.   Art tied the high 600 tournament HOA score for the summer with a 574.  The weather conditions were very good.


Aug 29th

   Great attendance at the Bert Brumwell Memorial as 46 people showed up to participate. 46 didnt make it all the way to the end though.  It got a tad windy out there.  Having said that it was two hall of famers and and an Alberta All Star captain all shooting from the 27 that were a top the HOA. Brad Johnson 509/550 Larry Ivany 496/550 and Ron Mcconnell 484/550. Shooting in that wind hurt all their averages and i just want to tip my hat and say thanks for showing us how good you guys real are, wind or no wind. 

     Fridays weather was good and saw some good scores. Ken Read shot his best singles of the year with a 95 and won the C singles. There were 3 99s in AA singles,  Brad Johnson, Art Peyton and Jesse Smith.  Event 2 the doubles had Brad Johnson and Ron Mcconnell shoot 95s.  Day two the wind and rain rolled in and half the handicap had to be cancelled and it became a 50 bird event.  Top scores were 46s by Larry Ivany and Russell Gowan Mcneil.  There was Annie Oakley, a great supper, and some very nice prizes handed out. Good job Wainwright gun club and thanks Art Peyton for your on call trap maintenance service changing out a tension rubber mid shoot. 

I think Bert Brumwell would have found the dress up Annie Oakley very entertaining. A lot of people had a good laugh.  lol 

Aug 22nd 

    The Rosebowl is our oldest Trap shoot in Alberta with a trophy that i believe dates back to 1948. It is nice to see that Lorne Umscheid first tournament win is going to be recorded  on that beautiful old trophy. 381 /400  The Rosebowl scores the 2 singles and Sunday doubles and Sunday handicap combined, this is what it was done when they started the tournament in 1948 and i think its great that Calgary AHEIA keeps that tradition alive.  We counted Bob Grueszki name on it seven times. Bob had the high HOA for the total weekend with an impressive 572/600 one of the highest if not highest tournament scores this summer. 

Being an old tournament our young trapshooters put up some great numbers and firsts. Jessica Marthaller and Tana Smith both Jr girls shot there first 50 straights on there way to 97s in singles. Russel Mcneil Gowan shoot a 75/75 in the diamond slider only the 2nd one in its 74 year history. Well done Russell.  Ron Mcconnell had the other. The ATA welcomed new shooters Amsndeep Bains and Pheonix Glenn to the ranks. 30 people attended and the weather was great.  Next shoot is Wainwright it starts on friday at noon registration at 10

Aug 15th

 Here is some of the highlights from the Medicine Hat shoot. Jack Toews won the singles day one with a 98 and Tim Kackmarski had a perfect 100 on day two. Doubles saw Rod Smith and Bob Gruszecki tie with a 94 and day two had two 92s Rod Smith and Tim Kackmarski.  In the handicap, day 1, Dan Kackmarski got the bump with a 96 and day 2 was won by Brian Maier with a 95.  HOA was  Tim Kackmarski with a 555. 21 people competed in the shoot

Aug 8th

     What a weekend of firsts. At the Edmonton Championships Ed Wald got his first 100st in singles. Darin Schuller wins his first HOA with a 548 that needed a shoot off with Dave Shiers. At the grand  Art Peyton has his first run of consecutive singles, that goes over 400. 449 to be exact good enough for the 9th longest streak by an Albertan ever. This week at At the Grand Art has won 11 trophies . 


    Not since 2015 has any Albertan ran 400 singles in a row. James Thomson did it twice that year and now Art Peyton has done it at the Grand. Good luck Art and keep it going.  The all time record for an Albertan is 715 by Neil Burbidge in 1993.  

Aug 3rd/22

  Shawn Mcneil continued his great shooting at the Olds shoot. He had a combined 199 for singles. In his last 600 singles he has missed 2 an incredible run. Tom Foss was on a hot streak. He shot a 96 in the cap to move back to the 25 yard line. Had a 100 in singles and won a doubles event with a 94. Dean Houchin won the other cap event with a 95.

July 25th

   Provincials is wrapped up and in the books. Everyone enjoyed great weather and a excellent supper sponsored by Bayer and put on by the Edmonton gun club. Shawn Mcneil put up great numbers all week long made me think i should take a whole year off to. He was HOA and HAA champion with 392 and 972. The singles title went to Jacob Johnson it was his first 200 straight. His old dad, Brad, also shot 200 straight and i dont know but i cant imagine a father son having done that in the history of our provincials there must be something in the genetics that makes them shoot better than most. Matt Belley, a first time all star last year, won his first Major Provincial title with 98 in the handicap. Bob Gruszecki showed us why he is one of only six Canadians to achieve AAA27AAA with a 99 in doubles and take that title.  There were many new faces that i have not seen or met before and that was nice to seel. One of those new faces was Derek Clayton who posted a 100 straight in the first half of the singles. 


July 18th

    The western Zone held in Calgary this weekend saw great weather and great scores. Thank you Jim Thomson (chef extraordinary) and the Calgary gun club for a great steak supper. Barry Johnston and Austin Beck both recorded there first 100 Straights in Singles. Congratulations   Darin Schuller posted a 97 in handicap to get his first handicap win. Brad Johnson was Calgarys high HAA  with a 389 placing him 12 out of 634 shooters in the western zone. His 674/700 was the HOA for Calgary and good enough to place him ninth in the western zone. On the Ladies side of things  Lynn Smith posted a 196 in the singles.   Hanah Marthaller Continues her strong shooting with a 191 in singles and Julia Marthaller is going to be something to watch in the future the sub junior posted a 82 in the doubles tied for the high lady in Calgary. Great shooting Julia   Amy Kent shot her first ATA targets and Iam sure it wont be her last. 38 shooters attended making it the best attended shoot in Alberta  other than the Canadians.

July 18th

  The high Prairie shoot held July 13th weekend saw 7 new ATA shooter compete. We welcome Deannna Bassarb,Tomas Bassarb,Garry Bassard,Abby Bilyk, Levi Bilyk, Kelsi Bilyk and John Paddon to the ATA and APTA.  Event 4 had Rod Smith post a 95 in doubles he also won HOA with a 524/600 Sam Bassard was high club member with a 464.


July 13th

 The race for most Alberta Targets and the leather bag is close Barry Johnston has 5500 and Darin Schuller is sitting at 6000.    

July 13th 

   Albertans did Alberta proud at the Montana State shoot. Art Peyton 954 and Ron Mcconnell 955 both finished in top five of the HOA.   Gary Hill  posted 946 to finish tenth.  Brad Johnson finally got his 100 straight in the doubles after 16, 99s he finally got the job done. I watched it first hand and they were pretty much all dust it was great to watch. Brad has now completed two of the three for the grand slam.  He needs the 100 st from the 27 and he has got a few 99s in that already, so hopefully he completes that soon.   Lorne Umschied of the Phantom Hill club in Milo had a 924 which helped him get a lot of class trophies.  If you ever get a chance to shoot at the Great Falls club take it' It is a wonderful place to shoot 

July 13th

The winner of the Perazzi 12 Ga o/u  Shotgun License #589479 has been drawn and notified. The winner is Mr. H. Schmit, ticket #0147. Thanks to everyone who supported our raffle.

July  11

Well sorry for the delay, usually my husband does this little bit of commentary but I have been elected to do so in his absence. Canadians this year were held in Calgary and what a fabulous shoot it was. People from across Canada came together in one spot since 2019, it felt like a homecoming. Was nice to see friends from near and far and to make new friends too, to see the delight in a shooters face when they shot with some of Canada’s best and boy there were a lot of Canadas best present. To hear the tales and advice from an Olympian and to honor those that have departed. Numerous milestones were meet such as shooter’s reaching their first 25, 50, 75 or 100 straight in singles or gaining the 27 yard line in handicap for the first time. Shoot offs were very exciting to watch such as Jason Weaver and Patrick Lamont going head to head for 5 rounds for Singles Runner Up. Hanah Marthaller from Mossleigh winning the Junior HAA, nice to see another female shooter in the ranks. Some number’s for you: Pat Lamont 973 HOA, Garry Hill 954 runner up HOA. Pat Lamont 393 for the HAA and Jason Weaver runner up HAA with a 387. All in all, the shooter’s got to experience Alberta’s weather and good old mother nature didn’t disappoint, from beautiful blue sky to overcast, then rain, wind the only thing missing was snow. Thank heavens that didn’t show up. For the most part the weather held and scores were high. Thank you Calgary & A.H.E.I.A for all the hard work you and yours did to make this a great shoot. 

June 28th

Thanks to our sponsors and shooters the Dvine trap club had a wonderful tournament. Shooters from coast to coast came to compete.  Dvine was excited and pleased, that for three of them, it was there first ever ATA shoot.  The ATPA welcomes to the association   Dale Rock from Whitecourt and Kyle and Colin Rosychuk from High Prairie and Edmonton.  Troy Coldwell from Newfoundland took top honours in the Hoa with a 560/600. He also won the single both halves with a 99 and a 100 and in the prelims shot a 99 in the doubles. The 100 is the first one for the Dvine Trap club.  The first event Doubles was won by the 2021 BC doubles champ Dom Stevens. Dom is a PITA shooter from Vancouver Island.  He posted a 95 to whip us ATA shooters.  Good for you Dom. Second half doubles was won by Jesse Smith with 93 he defeated Jason Weaver    !9 19  19 16 in a windy shoot off.  Handicap was won by Gary Koenig with a 93 and Justus Smith with a 95

June 22nd

   Update on the Upcoming Canadians in Calgary. The trophy package has arrived from Silver Smiths and with some beautiful trophies the Calgary executives are pleased. The package is in excess of 13.500. Along with the Canadian Trap Associations 5000 added money and the Canada Cap event at 5500 it brings the total payouts to shooters to over 24000 dollars. Ammunition can be purchased for the event at the club house. This was no small feet with the shortage of ammunition in the country.  A food and beverage menu is available throughout the shoot.  There will be a vendors row and wine and cheese for the ladies.  Premium WHITE FLYER TARGETS will be thrown and the cost per event is 40$ 

June 21 

  There were soggy grounds, light rains and heavy winds at times.  The 35th Castor shoot saw some tough conditions but 23 competitors braved the weather.  The APTA would like to welcome Kyle Mcnally to to the ATA. Kyle  shot his first ATA targets on the weekend. It is alwats nice to see new shooters. Gary Magnusson got a half yard with an 84 and Jerry Houchin won day two with an 88 in the cap.  Lorne Umsheid won singles with a 97 day one and Barry Johnston won day two with a 98. Kevin Hammel won doubles with 92.  Its like a broken record on the HOA.  Barry Johnston won his 4th HOA of the season with a 439/500 he has a commanding lead for the most tournament wins this year.  Darin Schuller continues his Quest to win the leather bag for most Alberta Targets having already racked up over 4000 Alberta targets. Thanks for supporting Alberta Darin 


June 14

   Athabasca weekend saw 20 people out to support the local club. The weather was good for the most part. Neil Scott in only his second tournament shot his first 50 straight.  Jordy Dick posted a pair of 99 in singles but lost the second day to Jason Weaver with a forfeit in the shoot off. Doubles was won both days with 91s Jason Weaver and Nick Tebbs.  Handicap day one, had Jason Weaver move closer to the 27 with a 91 putting him on the 26 1/2 day two was won by Nathan Tebb with a 95. Hoa was 557 by Jason weaver his first tournament win this year. Next shoot is in Castor hopefully you can get out and support the club    


 June 5th 

 Some Albertans put up some good numbers this week.  Barry Johnson won his third straight tournament with a 557 in Calgary. Congratulations ! Yurkiw Harrison posted a 99 in the cap to get himself a full yard. In Vernal Utah Art Peyton and Brad Johnson put up some huge numbers both posting 99 in the cap from the 27. Art finished tied for Hoa champion with Ricky Marshall but lost the shoot off his score was 976 and brad finished three back with 973 despite posting three straight 99s in doubles. 

May 24 th

     Congratulations to Barry Johnston on his first HOA win at the Edmonton gun club 550/600. Having only shot for Two seasons and coming out ahead of Art Peyton, Dave Shiers, Rod Smith, and Ken Kupsch  all shooters who have won multiple HOA events last season  is not easy  19 shooters attended the event with two shoot offs.  The first shoot off being between Darin Schuller and Gill Navkaran for Event 5 singles, with Darin edging a win 23/21.  The second shoot off was between Art Peyton and Barry Johnston for Event 6 Handicap, this shootoff went two rounds with Art being the winner by two birds.  


May 10th

   The first shoot of the spring saw cooler weather but no rain as predicted by the old reliable weather forecast. lol    The weather forecast definitely saw fewer numbers at Holdworth / Nattrass shoot and it was only fitting that a northern lady won the the first singles event with a 97 showing the boys how its done.  Congratulations Lynn Smith.   Apta got to welcome Sehaj Gill and Rui teixeira to their first ATA compeition it is nice to see new shooters. Saturday  Handicap was won with a 96 by Ali Chraibi    Doubles winner was Jesse Smith a 95   Day two started off with a tie in Doubles Jesse Smith and Lorne Umsheid tied with 94s    the Singles had Mike Cain shooting a 98    handicap Jesse Smith with a 95      HOA jesse Smith 565      It should be noted the Sunday weather saw a dark black cloud cover Calgary but with a blue sky to the south gave one of the best backgrounds i have ever seen.  The orange targets stood out against the black sky and if you were able to hit them you were treated to a fireworks like display of orange chips flying everywhere   it was really neat

Feb 18th/22

 Highlights of Alberta shooters from the spring grand in Tucson.   Robyn Bourasssa in Wednesday  doubles shot a personnel best a 91 and won D category.  Friday saw Art Peyton shoot a 98 in the cap and win VII category  it also helped increase his VII lead in the HOA


Feb 10th/22

   Feb 9th saw Alberta shooters at the Pre Spring Grande in Tucson put up great scores. Art Peyton, Ron Mcconnell, and Tyson Bourassa of Bonnyville all scored perfect 100s in singles. IT was Tysons first perfect round congratulations to him. Ron Mcconnell posted a second 100 straight the next day and 199 in championship singles.  399/400 an impressive steak for our current Alberta singles champ. 


Nov 15th/21

 The fall grand is over in Tucson and some Albertans did really well. James Thomson was high for Alberta in the HOA with an 1134 averageing 94.5 and finishing third in one of the handicaps with a 97 which bumped him back to the 27 again. Brad Johnson and garry hill each had a 100 straight in singles events.  Once Art Peyton arrived he shot very well a 199 in championship single and a 392 in the HAA which was top for Vet.

Sept 14/21

 The 600 bird event in Athabasca saw some high scores. Ken Kupsch took top honors with a 559 narrowly beating Art Peytons 557. Lynn Smith won the singles both days. Her first day  97 was followed with 100 straight on Sunday only a handful of shooters have received that pin and she is the first lady to do so. Rodney Smith shot a 95 in Sundays handicap to win and move himself back to the 27. 21 shooters took part in the competition  

Aug 31st/21

Congratulations to Rod Hymas on winning his first HOA in Vernon at the Art Salt on the weekend, his 472/500 was the top score

Aug 30th/21

Another successful shoot in Wainwright. The Burt Brumwell Memorial had 47 people attend, making it it the third biggest shoot in the 2021 season. With only two trap houses, organization was crucial and the Johnson family and their volunteers delivered, all events ended before supper time despite the large number of people and hornet interference. The Wainwright Trap Club would like to thank Ron McConnell for his sponsorship with beautiful crib boards and Brad Mappin of Romar Sports in Stettler who supplied and cooked lunch both days and they would also like to thank all those who participated and made it the event that it was. Congratulations to Robyn Bourassa on her first 25 straight, which she got in the handicap event. There were three 100 straights shot on the weekend, Lynn Smith, Brad Johnson and Art Payton. Brad Johnson seemed to be a little more determined than usual to get his name on the Buffalo this year, shooting 584/600. Larry Ivany was the only thing stopping Johnson from having a clean sweep. He won the combined doubles with a 194/200. Otherwise Johnson won the singles with a 198/200 and the handicap with a 191/200 from the 27 yard line. Ladies Champion was Lynn Smith with 542/600 and HOA junior was Riley Mappin with 318/400. 

Aug 23rd/21

  The Rosebowl Trap shoot is the oldest recorded trap event in Alberta History it dates back to 1948. Our provincials only dates back to 1950. A trophy has all the past champions on it and was orginally sponsorded buy the Calgary tribune. 33 people took part this weekend in near ideal conditions. Collin and his staff of scorekeepers did a great job with targets. Jesse Smith won the HOA with a 574/600. Ron McConnell had a pair of 99 in singles to win those events and a great score posted by Inderman Jadusingh with a 97 to win his class on Sunday. Larry Ivany won Sunday doubles with a 97. The 73 year old tradition of diamond slider was won by Rod Hymus with a 70/75 and his name will be added to that beatiful old trophy.   The APTA would like to welcome new member Chris Reynolds who attended his first shoot this weekend.

Aug 16th

   Hind sight is always 20/20 but the APTA board should give themselves a pat on the back for schedulling the Dvine trap club and Medicine hat club on the same weekend. Between the two clubs 45 shooters particapeted in shooting ATA targets the third highest attended weekend this year. Provincials and the Calgary stampede being the best attended.  High Prairie shooters were the HOA champions in both Places. Rod Smith of High Prairie fish and game made the 11 hour drive to win the HOA in Medicine Hat with a 562. His fellow travelling companion Sam Bassarb shot his first 50 straght way to go Sam. The hundreds will soon follow. Ron McConnell had a 100 on the back half to win the singles with a 198 in Medicine Hat.  Art Peyton won both doubles in  Medicine Hat with 96s as did Jesse Smith at the D Hazen All Peace Shoot. Jesse Smith also won the HOA with a 558. Justus Smith fired the 4th 99 in handicap this year for Albertans at the Dvine club. 4 brand new ATA member join this weekend Tammy Kalita (High Prairie) Deanna Gauchier (High Prairie) Gary Keonig (Whitecourt) and Neil Scott (Edson) the APTA welcomes you.


Aug 10th

 A big thanks to the Olds Lone Pine Club for hosting the satallite Canadians this week.  There management and voulunteers did a great job along with Don and Donna Checkel. 43 shooters took part with only Heather Brumwell bringing home a trophy and that was in the Lady 11 championship Handicap event with a score of 90.  Windy conditions were the norm for the weekend but Lorne Umshied managed 198 in singles and lost the subvet title in a shoot off to Dan Gris of Ontario. Patrick Lamont didnt win the singles championship a big surprise he had a 199 and sub jr Christos Tsemtzis of Ontario had a 200. 413 shooters took part from coast to coast.  A big thanks goes out Andrea Bassan of Newfoundland for entering data and helping design the program that allowed us to all shoot together. Thanks Andrea!

July 26/21

Well another provincials is in the books. 79 shooters took part, a nice increase from last year. The Johnson familly took home 22 different trophies and three major titles.  Jacob started the roll in the championship doubles shooting his first ever 100 straight doubles. Nolan took the Handicap champioinship with a 98 and the proud dad (Brad) took the HOA with a 972 the third highest HOA score in Alberta history. The event was changed in 1997 to its current 1000 target tournment from an 800 bird event. Ron McConnell won the singles title in shoot off with Jason Weaver with both men originally shooting 198s. Bob Gruszecki won the HAA for his first time with an empressive 388.  William Lecuyer scored his first 25 straight and won the SJ singles and Daniel Stevens won the JR singles with 193. Lynn Smith retained her Ladies title but will soon have Two young ladies to watch out for in the future. Jessica Marthaller won the HAA SJ title and Hanna Marthaller won the JR HAA title. 


July 20/21

Congrats to Ken Kupsch on his 2nd tournment win this year his 648/700 was high score at the western zone held in Edmonton July 16 to the 18. 22 shooters particapated in the events.  Event 1 singles Art Peyton 98   Event 2 Handicap Ken Kupcsh 98   Event 3 Doubles Art Peyton 93    Event 4 200 singles Bob Gruszecki from Calgary 197   Event 5 doubles Art Peyton 95  Event 6 Mat Belley from Edson 94

July 5/21

Well the Calgary Stampede shoot saw some unique things happpen. High tempatures of plus 35 for three of the five days, back to back 99's in doubles for Art Peyton. A father and his two sons all shooting 100 straights at the same shoot. Nolan Johnson got his first 100 straight on the 2nd half of the 200 singles (congrats Nolan) Jake and Brad Johnson shot their's the day before. We had two 99's in handicap from the same squad on different days. Lorne Umsheild and Rod Hymas. Lorne's 99 beat out Brad Johnson's 98 from the 27 which kinda made me laugh because usually 98 is a safe bet. Rod's 99 was a real come back story from his 43, his worst handicap ever from a couple weeks earlier which was really nice to see.  41 shooters in Fridays Singles saw 19 of them with a score of 96 or better. Way to go Alberta. Mat Belley of Edson attended his first ATA shoot and had 96 in singles. Fellow shooter from Edson, Jason Weaver won the HOA and HAA with 1062 and 389 (96.55% and 97.25%} impressive. Garry Hill from Calgary won singles Championship with 199. 55 different shooters attended the 5 day event making it the best attended event in a year other than Provincials congrats AHEIA.


June 24/21

Please note there is no shooting this weekend in Alberta the Canadians is moved to Aug 6th to the 8th. The Edmonton city championship has moved to July31 to Aug 1st.  Check out for full details on the Canadians.

June 21/21

The Castor shoot had tough weather conditions that saw lower than usual scores. 28 shooters took part in the three day event. The best weather of the three days was Friday and that saw Brad Johnson of Hughenden win both Prelimanary events (singles and doubles) with 98 and 96. Ken Kupsch from Edmonton won Saturday singles with 93 and Sandy Evans of Cold Lake won her first Ladies trophy with a 74. Ken topped the handicap with 88 and Jesse Smith won the doubles with a score of 84. Mr Kupcsch won the Sunday singles again with 95 and Kathy Oram won the ladies with a 78. Jerry Houchin from Bowden won the handicap with an 87. Ken Kupsch won the HOA with 429/500 and Andrew Boxma of Castor won the club title with 407/500. The organizers and shooters, would like to thank Brad Mappin and Romar Sports, for sponsering and cooking dinner both days. Romar sports is a supplier of Lawry targets and trap load shells and is located in Stettler AB

June 6th/21

   The CTA decided today to postpone the Canadians to August 6th weekend. Ontario Manitoba, and New Brunswick were all in doubt as to whether they would be able to particapate in June they were however confident that they would be able to in August. For full details check out the CTA webpage

May 13/21

 Long time Alberta shooter Duncan Chapman from Amisk AB just passed away from Cancer. He was a unique character and will be missed by all who knew him.   

June 13/21

     The Medicine Hat rattler saw 27 shooters compete with Jason Weaver coming out on top of the HOA with a 569 averaging 94.83.  Jake Johnson was 2nd with 561 followed by Art Peyton with a 559.  There were some good event scores on the weekend, Saturday singles saw Jack toews post a 98, Sat handicap was Brad Johnson with a 96 which he followed with a 98 in doubles. Sunday doubles more of the same with Brad Johnson shooting a 97. I think the smart money would be placed on Johnson being the next Alberta shooter to reach the 100 straight milestone in doubles.  He also had a 98 in his only doubles marathon round on Friday. The last Alberta shooter to acheive their first 100 straight in doubles was Tyler Kuhn on June 29th /2016.  Sunday singles had two 100 straights and in true to form fashion Art Peyton wouldn't let the young Jake Johnson win without a shoot off which Jake won in the third round. Jason Weaver won the handicap with an impressive 97.  I would like to thank the Medicine Hat club for taking the shoot on short notice and providing a place for people to compete. 


May 13/21

Long time Alberta shooter Duncan Chapman from Amisk AB just passed away from Cancer. He was a unique character and will be missed by all who knew him.

May 10th/21

  The first spring shoot is in the books.  To those who braved the weather, the shooters, and the staff you got to tip your hat. It was cold, high winds, rain and snow but 19 shooteres came and shot some birds.  Five of those were brand new shooters, to the APTA (Barry Johnston, Paulo Tomazini, William Lecuyer,Harrison Yurkiw,and Noah Wallbaum) The APTA welcomes you. 

The weekend belonged to Tom Foss he won his first high overall 550/600 ,and shot his first 100 straight in singles in a snow storm. He was first or tied in four of the six events. Day 1 Tom had won all three events,  92 in singles tied with Harrison Yurkiw and lorrne Umsheild.  Tom had 92 in the cap tied with Paul Kaupp and 87 in Doubles.  Day 2 Jesse Smith won event 4 Doubles stopping the streak with a 97. Toms 100 straight won event 5 and Daniel Lausen won event 6 with a 96 in handicap. Tom was second in event 6 with a 94.   

Mar 23/2021

Trapshooters of Alberta would like thank the Lone Pine Gun Club in Olds Alberta for providing a place to shoot the Canadain Sattlelite competition.The event will be taking place on the 25 to 27 of June 2021.  The shoot will be a 700 bird event. The 25th will have the regular 300 (singles handicap and doubles). The 26 will be the 200 singles championship and the 27th will be the doubles and handicap championship. Don and Donna Checkell will be manning the computers and Sandy Evans will be providing the catering.  Hope to see everyone come out and support this event and make it a success.   

Jan 28/2021

A sad day for trapshooters. Rod Boll passed away at home last night of a  heart attack, Rod was known through North America and internationally for his shooting skills and as one of those personalities when you meet you never forget. He capatured 23 different canadain title win all five major events the handicap being the the last in 2019.   He will be sorely missed in our shooting community. Our hearts go out to his family, terry Schon and Kahl

Nov 19/2020

Message from the APTA President

 Hi Everyone

I hope you are all doing well and staying safe during this crazy time. Just a quick summary of the 2020 Fall Annual Meeting. First off, we voted on Rob Docherty going into the Hall of Fame and it was unanimously decided that the nomination be approved. Congratulations Doc!

There was a lengthy discussion on different recommendations for the Provincial trophy package. It was resolved that there would be no changes to the trophy package for 2021. The three club requirement for the All Stars Team will remain the same but it will not apply to the High catagory awards. We are going to try a New Shooter Mentorship program. An experienced shooter will help a new shooter through there first registered shoot. For example, guide them through the entry process, explain the squad board and banking system, and maybe even squad with them for their first event. Anyone interested in joining can let Jesse Smith know. There will be a contract between the APTA and the Host Provincial Club on expectations, requirements going forward. Regarding alternate sources of funding, there will be another gun raffle this year. The tickets are now printed and ready for sale.

Stay safe and healthy,

Brad Johnson, President of the APTA


November 8/2020

Sad to announce the passing of Robert Brumwell on November 7th. Bert was a huge supporter of trap shooting in Alberta and will be deeply missed. Our condolences goes out to Heather and the family.

October 19/2020

The Year 2020 All Stars are now posted. Congratulations to Jacob Johnson on making the top five and earning a ring, and congratulations to the two new first time All Stars Rod Smith and Jason Weaver.

October 11/2020

Congratulations to Art Peyton and Bert Brumwell on making the 2020 All American Team. Art Peyton 2nd team 827 points team Bert Brumwell 1037 in chair. It was difficult to make the All American team this year as Alberta shooters could not attend State shoots to gain more points. Good shooting guys.

September 23/2020

The APTA would like to express its deepest condolences to Rod and Michelle Smith on the loss of their daughter. Kelsi Smith passed away on September 23 after a long battle with cancer. Kelsi was nineteen years old.


Visit our News Archive.

Sorry for slow update on the spring grand but our data entry person is extremely green at this.   In the pre spring grand Art Peyton started by running the first 300 singles and winning HOA vet with a 1243 average of 95.61.  Rod hymas in event 14 won the handicap for 22-24 yards with 96.  The week of the Spring Grand started with event 15  singles where a 99 would have tied you for 126. Event 16 Handicap Colin Crumb  shot 97 to win Vet.  Event 17  Doubles  Garry Hill had 99 and lost the carry over for AA. Event 21 Doubles championship Bert Brumwell had 86 to win the chair. Event 22 handicap Garry hill won Vet with 95. Event 23 Singles championship Lorne Umscheid was runner up in A singles with a 197 and winning the shoot off with Stan baker from the videos Hunt the Rackett.   Event 24 championship handicap Larry Ivany shot a 97 but lost the runner up vet in a shoot off.  High  Albertan was Art Peyton with 1032. High  Canadain was Rod Boll with 1042 and finishing tied for 31st.  22 albertans attended.   

May 24/2020

Wonderful shoot this weekend at Medicine Hat. Total of 24 shooters. The weather was perfect on Sunday. Congratulations to Dave Shiers of Edmonton with the winning score of 549. Close second was Jason Weaver of Edson with 548. Medicine Hat club was very thankful to all those who came out to support their club. For full results of the shoot click on Shoot Calendar and Results at the top of the web page. then click on More Info and Results beside Rattler Classic.

JUNE 15/2020

Congratulations to Castor Gun Club on putting on the largest shoot this shooting year with 44 total registered shooters. Jason Weaver won the HOA for his second tournament win this year with a 454/500 for all scores look under shoot results.

July 6 2020

Great tournament this weekend in Calgary.the weather cooperated. the young staff had to do a lot of extra work moving the mics for the handicap but did it all with enthusiasm and a smile. There were three first time accomplishments to note. Jacob Johnson won his first HOA, beating a strong field of shooters that included many hall of famers and provincial champions. 958/1000. Brady Mappin and Jared Johnson both got their first ATA 25 straight badges in singles and Shawn McNeil put it all together for the HAA with a 390. Art Payton, this years Hall of Fame inductee finished second in both the HOA and the HAA, 384/400 and 947/1000 respectively.

July 12/2020

Congratulations Art Peyton for winning the HOA in High Prairie with a 567/600 narrowly beating Dave Shiers's 566/600 for more results check the shoot calendar.

 July 20/2020

Excellent results this weekend in Calgary's Western Zones Shoot. Alberta took 11 trophies in this shoot. More than anyone could remember in recent years. Minimum number of people in an event was 402 which was Event 3 Doubles and up to 597 in Event 4 singles. Great job by the Calgary Firearms Center staff on getting great targets for the shooters to shoot. Here are your winners In Event 2 handicap Lynn Smith lady 1 scored 94. Sr vet championship Ron McConnell scored 97, Art Peyton 4th overall scored 96. Event 3 doubles Lady 1 Lynn Smith scored 88, Lady 2 Diane Peyton scored 94, Sub Vet Shawn McNeil scored 97. Event 5 Doubles Shawn McNeil scored 98. HAA Shawn McNeil scored 391. HOA Shawn McNeil scored 682, Lady 1 Lynn Smith scored 646, Vet Art Peyton scored 680. Alberta has had 8 tournaments in this shooting season and has seven different champions. Congratulations to Shawn McNeil on this weekends win with an amazing score of 1071/1100. Edmonton's Provincials starts Wednesday at 12:30 Doubles Marathon, and Thursday starts at 10:00. Friday Saturday and Sunday start at 9:00.

July 27/2020

WOW! What a Provincials, nice to see some first time provincial shooters. Some impressive streaks ended and some APTA history making feats were accomplished. Brad Johnson's 93 in the handicap gave him the HOA and handicap title. This completed the APTA grand slam (SIngles, Doubles, Handicap, and HAA in any  year)  and add the HOA title on that and only four other Alberta shooters have accomplished it since 1959) (Ron McConnell 1993 Allan Day 1997 Neil Burbidge 2001 Larry Ivany 2014) Brad's three year singles reign, a streak that saw him miss only three targets out of 600 ended when Shawn McNeil's second half 100 straight in the gusting wind gave him a 198. Shawn McNeil's four year reign atop the HOA board was ended by Brad's first HOA title 939/1000. The HAA title went to Shawn McNeil 378/400 and a strong showing 370/400 by Ian Tilley gave him runner up in HAA. Lynn Smith and Niklas Tebbs both retained their titles in Lady 1 and Junior and this years Hall of Fame inductee Art Peyton claimed the Doubles title with a 97/100

Next tournament up is July 31 in Olds starting at noon.

July 29/2020

A reminder All Star criteria is 1000 singles, 1000 handicap, 800 doubles and must shoot in three different clubs in Alberta.

August 3/2020

Fun weekend in Olds, good targets, affordably priced and some great scores coming out of the weekend. thank you to all there volunteers that made the weekend enjoyable,  Shawn McNeil, attending his third different club of the year won his second tournament 573/600-95.5 average. Allen Day recorded a 97 in the handicap for a bump back to the 26 yard line. Brad Johnson won the combined doubles with a 193, 96.5 average. Ken Kupsch averaged 95.5 on two rounds of handicap. 25 shooters attended the warm weekend. for full result see the Olds results section on the calendar.

August 10/20200

A windy weekend in Edmonton. It was nice to see four women competing in the City Championship and winning two of the six events outright. Carmen Tebbs won the Sunday handicap with an 84 and Lynn Smith won Sunday singles with a 97 Lynn's 529/600 was also runner up to Niklas Tebbs, who won the HOA title with a 530/600.

August 17/2020

Impressive numbers and weather at the Mad Hatter this weekend in Medicine Hat. Jacob Johnson won his second HOA with 569. Lorne Umisched had 99 on 2nd day Handicap. Bob Gruszecki posted 98 in doubles and four 99's were posted in singles, 2 for Art Peyton, one by Jacob Johnson and one by Gavin Roen. It was the best attended shoot in years with 38 different shooters. The Medicine Hat Gun Club would like to thank those that came from great distances as far away as Cranbrook B.C. and Estevan Saskatchewan to make the shoot a success. full details available on shoot results.

August 24/2020

An old saying comes to mind when describing this weekend's Rose Bowl. The cream rises to the top. Art Peyton and Shawn McNeil lead from the beginning to end. and the last event decided this Rose Bowl's champion. Shawn McNeil, 96 in the handicap gave him a two bird victory over Art Peyton who shot a 92. Shawn's third tournament win is the most in Alberta this season. His score was 388/400. Jason Weaver, Ron McConnell and Lynn Smith all had 100 straights in singles. The weather was great and the staff as usual were top notch.

4:00 start in WainWright, the last shoot of the year will give Jacob Johnson, Jason Weaver and Dave Shire a chance to tie Shawn McNeil's three tournament wins.

August 30/2020

53 people attended the Wainright Summers End Shoot,other than Provincials, this makes it the best attended shoot in Alberta. Great job by the Johnson family and the Wainright trap club volunteers to make this a special event. Special thanks to Rowan sports from Stettler Alberta for donating lunch both days. Congradulations to Brady Mappin and Ken Read on achieving there first ATA twenty five straights. In very windy conditions, Art Peyton won the HOA with a 352/400, narrowly beating Rodney Smith by two birds. Jason Weaver won the singles championship with a 94 in a shoot off with Art Peyton and Doug Lee. Rodney Smith won the handicap with a 174/200 and Larry Ivany won doubles with a 94 in shoot off with Jesse Smith and Ron Mcconnell and On a fun note; team Caesar Guerinis three man team defeated team Perazzi in a gentleman's side bet on high singles. This concludes the 2020 shoot year and Sept 5th and 6th in Edmonton will start the new 2021 shoot season

September 6/2020

Jesse Smith competed in the BC PITA provincial winning a preliminary handicap getting a yard with a 95 and with 52 entries that pushed him back to the 26 1/2 and on final day shot a 90 good enough to  tie for second and with 53 entries gave him a half yard to move him back to the 27. Jesse was sure that his good friend Ron Crockford was looking down from above and saying its about time. He also scored well enough to win the hoa title with 763/800  Kevin Hamel won the out of province Singles with 198

September 6/2020

Edmonton had 23 entries. Dave Shier picked up a yard in the handicap with a 94 and 87. The APTA would like to welcome Tyson and Robin Bourassa, two new shooters who attended their first trap event. Darin Schiller attending only his second shoot got his first 25 straight, congratulations. Dave Shier took top honors with 554/600.

September 13/2020

It was cold and windy in Athabasca but 31 people braved the weather and competed on the newly formed cement pads.  Rod Smith  won his first tournament with a 568/600   a 94,7 average great shooting Rod. He also won a doubles event with a 94 and both cap events with a 96 and 94. Moving him back to the 25 yard line. His 96 victory was not without a hard fought shoot off  with Justus Smith, taking 100 birds to decide. 23-23-23-24 for Rod and 23-23-23-23 for Justus Smith. The last round being shot from the 27 yard yard line. Darin Schiller in his third shoot had 92 in singles to win C class. The APTA would  like to congratulate Sam Basarb on competing in his first ATA shoot and shooting all six hundred targets. Athabasca Trap Club would like to thank all the competitors and a special thanks to Doug Leong and Lorne Unscheild who traveled from the Medicine Hat area. Full details in shoot results.

September 19/2020

Some rare events during the Castor National Trap Day shoot. No wind and Brad Johnson shot the 4th ever 100 straight in singles. he now has 2 at the club, the other two where shot by Ron CrockFord and Trevor Dower this is no small feat, they have held shoots for 32 years. Johnson was on quite a role, shooting 95 in doubles, and winning HOA with a 282/300.  Larry Ivany making his first trip to castor was nice to see. Castor would like to thank everyone that came to support their club.

I would like to apologize to Rod Hymas for forgetting to congratulate him on his first hundred straight in singles at the Art Salt memorial in Vernon.  As I am told the hands were a little sweaty and the knees a bit weak but Rod is kind of use to this from his dragster racing days, good shooting Rod.

September 20/2020

Calgary National Trap Shooting day saw 22 shooters competing in near perfect conditions.  Dave Sheirs shot a perfect 100 straight in the singles event and went on to win the hoa with 279/300. Handicap was won by Daniel Lausen in a shoot off with Lynn Smith 24/23. ATA would like to welcome two first time shooters, Dale Davis and Barry Johnson. It is good to see new shooters out there having fun. Dale Davis even had a go at doubles which was nice to see.

September 23/2020

The APTA would like to express its deepest condolences to Rod and Michelle Smith on the loss of their daughter. Kelsi Smith passed away on September 23 after a long battle with cancer. Kelsi was nineteen years old.

October 11/2020

Congratulations to Art Peyton and Bert Brumwell on making the 2020 All American Team. Art Peyton 2nd team 827 points team Bert Brumwell 1037 in chair. It was difficult to make the All American team this year as Alberta shooters could not attend State shoots to gain more points. Good shooting guys.

October 19/2020

The Year 2020 All Stars are now posted. Congratulations to Jacob Johnson on making the top five and earning a ring, and congratulations to the two new first time All Stars Rod Smith and Jason Weaver.


© Alberta Provincial Trapshooting Association